I had a dream last night where nameless league 2 team were short a CB and I somehow got asked to play. I was all excited until I got to the changing room and started to explain that I hadn't played that much 11 aside since my teens and that I'm not really very comfortable on the ball. Lucky I woke up before I made my debut...I was feeling a little stressed by that point.
Back in the early 1980s when I was of an age with most of the team and Chelsea were not doing so well, I had a recurring dream that I was suddenly asked to go into goal before a match. Despite the excitement, I kept a clean sheet.
Nowadays my anxiety dream revolves around me having to resit my Greek 'O' level or my degree. Not nearly as mush fun.
Back in the early 1980s when I was of an age with most of the team and Chelsea were not doing so well, I had a recurring dream that I was suddenly asked to go into goal before a match. Despite the excitement, I kept a clean sheet.
Nowadays my anxiety dream revolves around me having to resit my Greek 'O' level or my degree. Not nearly as mush fun.