The summer league at Dalton barracks, Abingdon (also part of the Wessex League). It’s pretty stony at the moment but there is also a strong chance that my line choice is rubbish because I have no idea what I’m doing.
Anyway, after completely failing to make tubeless work on my commute it was a complete breeze on my cross bike. I ran 30/35 and successfully completed my first race of the year!
The summer league at Dalton barracks, Abingdon (also part of the Wessex League). It’s pretty stony at the moment but there is also a strong chance that my line choice is rubbish because I have no idea what I’m doing.
Anyway, after completely failing to make tubeless work on my commute it was a complete breeze on my cross bike. I ran 30/35 and successfully completed my first race of the year!