The advantage of midnight commuting, it's quiet enough that I can nearly ride the whole way without braking, no handed. Just need to optimise my route a bit to avoid sharp corners, steep up/downhills, busy roads, traffic lights, bollard dodging, cobblestones...
Also there's a choice to be made between having gears or having the ability to brake with fixed or coaster brake
(that's not supposed to be a humblebrag, just a bit of fun)
The advantage of midnight commuting, it's quiet enough that I can nearly ride the whole way without braking, no handed. Just need to optimise my route a bit to avoid sharp corners, steep up/downhills, busy roads, traffic lights, bollard dodging, cobblestones...
Also there's a choice to be made between having gears or having the ability to brake with fixed or coaster brake
(that's not supposed to be a humblebrag, just a bit of fun)