Thanks, but no need to now.
Just got a pair today! The clue was scrutinising obscure parts fiches for the polizia version, which turned out to have the same engine, but had added replacement versions of these parts for a much longer period. That gave me two other parts numbers to search for.
Say hello from a fellow Guzzi rider though.
You still have the old BMW?Talking about inlet manifolds: Do I polish them inside before mounting? Or doesn't it matter?
Here we are:
Anybody got a lead for parts for an old Guzzi?
The usual suspects have failed to deliver so far (gutsi-bits, guzziriders forum, etc)
I’m hunting for a left side intake manifold for my bike.
It’s a 1982 V50III (but apparently same part for C, Monza and police versions too)
This part number: GU19115081
And yes, I did break it myself, and yes I'm getting a torque wrench now...