Why don't we start monetising water and oxygen supply too? Lots of money to be made there. If people don't want to pay they just need to stop breathing.
People ignore the fact that Marx, prior to becoming an economist/philosopher, was a journalist and more interested in Greek classics than social revolution. He was radicalised when the Prussian government changed the law to criminalise the poor collecting dead firewood from the land (which they needed to survive) at the behest of landowners who had inherited or stolen the land in the first place, and he became witness to the fact that four fifths of the cases heard in court became concerned with fining or jailing them into servitude because of this.
This is a model of capitalism; take something essential to life and leverage every penny you can out of it to generate income for the minority that control the resources. Hardly equivalent to a lease contract for a coffee maker that comes with a service plan and creates extraneous goods at 1000% markup.
If you can't see the inherent evil in a system that demands people pay two thirds of their salary every month just to keep shelter over their heads (and lets not get into the quality of what they can expect for their money or the security they will enjoy there) then you need to have a fucking word with yourself.
Why don't we start monetising water and oxygen supply too? Lots of money to be made there. If people don't want to pay they just need to stop breathing.
People ignore the fact that Marx, prior to becoming an economist/philosopher, was a journalist and more interested in Greek classics than social revolution. He was radicalised when the Prussian government changed the law to criminalise the poor collecting dead firewood from the land (which they needed to survive) at the behest of landowners who had inherited or stolen the land in the first place, and he became witness to the fact that four fifths of the cases heard in court became concerned with fining or jailing them into servitude because of this.
This is a model of capitalism; take something essential to life and leverage every penny you can out of it to generate income for the minority that control the resources. Hardly equivalent to a lease contract for a coffee maker that comes with a service plan and creates extraneous goods at 1000% markup.
If you can't see the inherent evil in a system that demands people pay two thirds of their salary every month just to keep shelter over their heads (and lets not get into the quality of what they can expect for their money or the security they will enjoy there) then you need to have a fucking word with yourself.