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  • Hmm I can’t do 9th I’m in Ireland, might have to be BGB for me!?!
    Most I’ve ridden recently is 300km. Having done a few 250’s and besides the DD the other week all have been by myself.
    Is a 600 much of a step up and tips..!?

  • Is a 600 much of a step up and tips..!?

    Ride in groups when you can - big help vs the wind and also motivation on the flat bits.
    Take extra layers - can get very cold at night. Warm gloves and hat.
    Eat loads
    Otherwise it's just a long bike ride!

    Would like to do it but not sure if I can yet.

  • Ta. Yeah still don’t feel I’ve fully solved the glove and hat issue. My seal skins and liners I’d rate as ok but nothing more. Never been much of a hat person.


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