I totally get this... Got lots of stuff to work on but I haven't really been motivated to do anything about it, mostly because I know how much work it's gonna be when I get to the live setting... Ideally I need at least three more of me to get what I want... Hmmm...
I've been running the music programme at work for a week which has been fun, maybe that'll translate to me doing something at home as well...
Had a patch wired in for ages begging too be completed but had zero enthusiasm. Made a patch note which, is a painfully slow process (cables + knob position settings). Unplugged the lot to take a portable case on holiday, failed at taking it. And the patch didnt save properly. I have no idea how it was patched.
Part of the charm of analogue? <<<<<<<
I'm trying to re-boot my enthusiasm for playing, writing and producing after a 6 month hiatus. My old band, which was really just a couple of mates I'd hoodwinked into playing my folk-pop nonsense, ended in December and I've been having a bit of think about what I want to do.
Initially I had all these ideas about doing something totally different, skronky krautrock and droney garage rock etc. I'd still love to so something like that but the reality of my situation means that, for now at least, whatever I do needs to be something I can do alone, from home in the evenings. To that end I've decided to retain ELVRS as a going concern. I'll just shift it towards whatever it is that i happen to be doing. It's not like there's a huge fanbase that will be confused by my shift in focus!
What I'm into at the moment I think is more of the stripped down solo acoustic recordings I started toying with at the back end of last year. I wrote some blurb on here about trying to spend as much time as possible getting the input as good as I can possibly get it and keeping processing to a bare minimum. That will remain the focus I think. I'd really like to do some filming as well. Not that I long to see my increasingly craggy face on the youtoobs, but I just get the impression that to stand any chance of reaching anyone with yr music it needs to be through a visual medium. Strange days.
Anyway, that's where I am. Writing again but verrrrry slowly. Must give myself more time and focus to finish ideas and get them out there. Current work in progress I'd like to get done this week. It's very definitely in the Nick Drake mould. Got some ideas for lyrics but need to devote some quality time to sitting down in peace and quiet to finish it. Easier said than done with a busy job and three year old and pregnant wife needing attention.
Will get there though. It's been far too long.