• How the fuck do you solve that?

    Everyone gets a non means tested Citizens income.

    How do you pay for that? Fuck knows.

    • renege on a load of pension promises
    • tax people or companies more
    • discover a shit load of oil and a do a Norway not a Venezuela
  • So, communism?

    I jest, but not entirely.

    I keep getting told that I think too much and I predict responses (both physical and verbal), and modify my behaviour based on my predicted response, rather than just talking to people and waiting for a response, so let me play out how I think UBI would go down.

    -Here's free money because you've got no job opportunities any more
    -I don't want free money, I want to work for a living
    -There's no jobs you can do any more because you're really good at things that aren't done here any more
    -but why can't we do those things
    -because of so many reasons but mostly some companies got really big, priced out the competition, and fucked you and many other small and medium companies over
    -I'm no scrounger
    -people who get free money aren't scroungers
    -but that's what we've been told for years
    -do you want your money or not?

  • I think it would play out like this

    • Here's free money so you can do what you like...within reason
    • Awesome, cheers!

    And if they want to set up an unprofitable coal mine, chimney sweeping operation, mediocre mass production bike factory, then hey, they could, assuming it wasn't deemed environmentally catastrophic. But you'd hope they'd do something less damaging to their long term health and less like banging their heads against a brick wall, like getting some training in modern business and industry - China and the robots aren't going to go away.

    -There's no jobs you can do any more because you're really good at things that aren't done here any more

    Out of interest, what are these things where we have a willing and able highly trained workforce that cannot work because we don't do...those things that they can do?

  • A while back there was a cash machine that had £20 notes in the £10 note dispenser. People queued and took out £10 successively until they'd hit their daily limit and the machine was empty.

    I'm sure people interviewed for ITN would all trot out that line, as would the DM comments box. However, everyone would take it.

    The bigger problem is when the UBI is only enough to survive and you can't get a job to supplement your wages to buy an iPhone, Dualit Toaster, go on holiday, etc.
