So, communism?
I jest, but not entirely.
I keep getting told that I think too much and I predict responses (both physical and verbal), and modify my behaviour based on my predicted response, rather than just talking to people and waiting for a response, so let me play out how I think UBI would go down.
-Here's free money because you've got no job opportunities any more
-I don't want free money, I want to work for a living
-There's no jobs you can do any more because you're really good at things that aren't done here any more
-but why can't we do those things
-because of so many reasons but mostly some companies got really big, priced out the competition, and fucked you and many other small and medium companies over
-I'm no scrounger
-people who get free money aren't scroungers
-but that's what we've been told for years
-do you want your money or not?
How the fuck do you solve that?