Is @NurseHolliday an Ilford or Romford boy? I forget... Probably neither...
I'm from Romford.
It's in Havering, which was 11th or 12th highest Leave vote %.
I don't have enough time to write about Romford right now so I'll come back write a longer post, but the short version:If you've never lived in a big town or city, Romford probably seems appealing, there's loads of shopping, food, bars, and even clubs(!), but they're all fucking terrible. If you've lived in London, everything will just seem a bit, shit.
The people are cunts and I hate the place.
Commute's alright, you can get a night bus home if you miss the last train, I'm not a property speculator, but I think you've missed the biggest jumps in prices if you're looking to see a return on your capital, but everything should probably get another big bump up when Crossrail is officially opened.
I'll leave the in depth summary of open racism for later.
Does any body here live in Shenfield or Romford?
I hear nothing but bad things, however the house prices in these areas are palatable compared neighbouring postcodes + added benefit of Crossrail
Would this even qualify as moving out of London?