the only sight I had on my run was a copper blocking my intended route because they'd cordoned it off, twitter says might be related to a building fire in the area but first thought was another stabbing :(
also a nice man in a van waved me across the road in front of him when I was waiting at a busy road crossing and he had right of way, gave him a thumbs up and got one back in return then I saw his license plate was LJ06 EGE which is easily rearranged to J06 LEGE and I thought to myself yes indeed.
the only sight I had on my run was a copper blocking my intended route because they'd cordoned it off, twitter says might be related to a building fire in the area but first thought was another stabbing :(
also a nice man in a van waved me across the road in front of him when I was waiting at a busy road crossing and he had right of way, gave him a thumbs up and got one back in return then I saw his license plate was LJ06 EGE which is easily rearranged to J06 LEGE and I thought to myself yes indeed.