Why do I get into hair-tearing feedback loops of having constantly reset apple ID passwords when I never have any trouble with any other applications?
Today's classic is that having been booted out by a software update, and having to reset the password for the billionth time, my phone is accepting the new password (and I have an email saying my password has been changed) but iTunes is stuck in a feedback look of "sign in" *enters new password "boomp... sign in" *enters old password "boomp... sign in" *double checks new password is correct and works on other devices... enters new password "boomp... sign in". Hnnnnng! It' snot even telling me "incorrect password it just re-presents the sign in box.
Any ideas?
I've had to reset the fucking thing so many times that when I was trying to choose a new password last night I ran through at least half a dozen variations on my go-to's and was told "choose a password you haven't used in the last year" every time. Even my exasperated "Fuckoffapple99" attempts were met with the dreaded "boomp..."
My only suggestion is to call apple support. They have been very helpful over the phone on the 2 occasions when I’ve called about os/software issues. Hope you get it sorted.
Why do I get into hair-tearing feedback loops of having constantly reset apple ID passwords when I never have any trouble with any other applications?
Today's classic is that having been booted out by a software update, and having to reset the password for the billionth time, my phone is accepting the new password (and I have an email saying my password has been changed) but iTunes is stuck in a feedback look of "sign in" *enters new password "boomp... sign in" *enters old password "boomp... sign in" *double checks new password is correct and works on other devices... enters new password "boomp... sign in". Hnnnnng! It' snot even telling me "incorrect password it just re-presents the sign in box.
Any ideas?
I've had to reset the fucking thing so many times that when I was trying to choose a new password last night I ran through at least half a dozen variations on my go-to's and was told "choose a password you haven't used in the last year" every time. Even my exasperated "Fuckoffapple99" attempts were met with the dreaded "boomp..."