Congrats on the PB! I reckon 2 x 5k + 1 min is doable, but it always looks a bit daunting written down.
@ObiWomKenobi - Impressive progress!
I'm happy with today's exercise double. Cycling is still much more enjoyable than running in this heat, so 65 miles this morning over undulating Kent country lanes and a cream tea at the Ide Hill cafe. But then I reminded myself that I really should be in marathon training mode, so after a recovery brunch, much hydration and a sit-down, I headed out again for a 5 mile run. After some initial crankiness in the legs, it was actually pretty comfortable. That's the furthest I've cycled and then gone for a run afterwards but I think I'll make a habit of it while it's still nice cycling weather. (And might be time to do another duathlon?)
Well within your grasp - I did it the other week and your 5K PB is a couple of seconds quicker than mine...