• Round me there are loads of farmers. They need and like the seasonal workers who work for them. But they believe the common agricultural policy is detrimental to their livelihood. At no point when talking to them have I felt any underlying racism. They just voted with what they thought was their best interest. Though as far as I understand their rationale is what we have isn’t working so let’s vote for the unknown.

  • they believe the common agricultural policy is detrimental to their livelihood

    Where "detrimental" means "receive more in EU subsidies than they make from actual farming".

    Take away the subsidies, and you're left with an entire nation's agricultural business being bought up by a few giant agribusinesses.

    Enjoy your indentured servitude, farmer Giles.

  • I don’t agree with their assessment but crucially they had been led to believe (lied to) that CAP is bad for them.

    At least when we understand the basis for their beliefs then the lies can be challenged rather than attacking the people themselves.

    There is a difference between gammony cunt and someone who has been lied to.
