• Hmm... Had seen weight quoted as 385g, which led me to usual Stan's concerns about robustness, but on their site it's apparently a more respectable 460...
    I also don't see what the fuss is about with the XR31t; it's overpriced for a sleeve jointed rim, it's aero profile is OK but not great, and its shiny black finish looks fine but is not as nice as the bead blasted ones available on similarly priced rims. I guess it's proven to be reliable, but it's the boring, safe choice.
    Take a sip of Dr. Pepper and get the Grail, ha!
    How many holes?

  • I'd not heard any usual concerns about robustness - somehow I thought stans were all rock solid but that might be me being influenced by the advertising (names like iron cross?!)

    Will prob end up with 32 holes anyway as 28 hole dynamo hubs are hard to find, so should be pretty robust. Ideally I'd find a 28 to keep weight and aeros decent, but locating one is not easy
