Think I’m going to pull the trigger on a GH4 and some used bits from MPB today. Not too spenny (under half the price of a GH5) but still solid enough to use as a B cam in the future. From what I read more robust than A63/500 with better battery for what I want to do. If I love it it’s not too hard to upgrade to a GH5. Advice on here has been super valuable.
Bought a GH4 in the end, used it a fair bit and began to get the hang of it. Really like it, neewfound respect for the guys who make super high end videos whilst on tour (most stuff on Bikepacking.com). Must have to factor in a ton of extra time to set up shots properly. Riding always took precedence on this trip but still had plenty of opportunities to get the GH4 out over the weeks! Thanks for all the advice, this is the output:
All solid advice here. A few bits that I might chip in on that I feel may not have been touched on.
I wouldn't rule out the GH4. Pair it with the 14-45 3.5-5.6 Lumix lens and that solves the lack of in-body stabilization. This combination can be obtained cheaply and gives you a tonne of bang for the buck. Represents considerable saving over the GH5 (500 quid i'd say?). The 14-45 could be the workhorse lens and a cheap (£60ish) M42 Zeiss 50mm Pancolar w/ adapter (or similaR) could be your "beauty" lens, compact as they are.
GH4/GH5 batteries will outlast an A7S battery threefold in my experience, having shot with a GH4 and A7S for daily work duties for a year.
The GH5 is probably 30% bigger in size than the GH4 and the same percentage heavier I'd say as a conservative estimate. This is tangible.
My $0.02: in your heart of hearts you know what the primary function of this will be, if the primary function is simply capturing your travels somewhat decently, go phone/ gopro/ point and shoot. If it is to set yourself up as a shooter, get a GH5 or A7S2 with all the gubbins to go with. As someone said earlier, the crux of it comes down to being honest with yourself as to whether you will be willing to take out camera from padded bag, attach/ change lens if necessary, wipe optics, check settings, manage battery circulation, wrangle memory cards and all the related faffery that goes with shooting "properly".