• Remember the Findus horse lasagne? That happened by accident, one supply chain inadvertently crossing into another it was not supposed to so do.

    Now imagine if you've got a load of meat that in the EU has to be turned into animal feed, but it's worth much, much more as human-suitable. You can't sell it anywhere in the EU - that might come back on you and put you out of business.

    But - you could sell it to the UK, they won't even check it. Boom! That villa in Spain is much closer if you do this a couple of times per month.

  • There will be much more demand within the UK for locally slaughtered meat and you won't have to employ someone with EU-level skills/qualifications.

  • I want a villa in Spain. I should open an abbatoir in the EU is what you’re saying?

    You'd probably make a lot more with an ABBA tour than with an abattoir.

    (Not that I'd want to egg you on to inflict horrendous cruelty.)
