• #23652
We were lucky, but our experience of being taught that stuff by parents is increasingly a minority one. Friends of mine who are teachers are appalled at the attitudes some parents they meet display towards their children’s education.
• #23653
mums on a forum online
Danstuff is on Mumsnet?
• #23654
I wasn't or actually I was but it didn't stick. I couldn't read a clockface until my mid-30s even though it was taught in Primary school. I prefered 24hr time and always used digital - similar problem to people with mobiles not remembering anyone's number nowadays I guess - if you don't need it you don't know it.
Even now I have my own funny numerical dyslexia where I'll see 15:00 and think 5 o'clock. I KNOW what the time is but I just see the 5 and throw that in my brain.
On the flip side, I'm a fucking genius, with a legit legendary memory, wonderful problem solving skills, shit hot (ironic) vocabulary and the ability to excel at whatever the hell I want if I choose, alongside being every man and woman's dreamboat, a rockstar lover and generally the best human that has ever existed. And I'm modest about it which is what makes me even more special.
• #23655
Fuck I'm tired.
• #23656
One of my favourites was being on a bus at the Grand Canyon, in broad-fucking-daylight, having been out to watch the sunrise and heading back and hearing one girl say to her friend, "oh, have we missed the sunrise?".
• #23657
"Is the USA a country?"
There are many academic arguments that say it's otherwise, although it's widely accepted it is.
"What's the UK?"
No seriously what exactly is the United Kingdom? Do we still know?
"What's the difference between a country and a continent?"
Perhaps they were befuddled by Australia
"Is the USSR in Germany?"
For something that stopped existing 15 years before they were born perhaps they can be forgiven for asking. -
• #23658
Got a p******* on Tower Bridge yesterday evening. Stopped on the bridge right by the Tower of London and sat cross legged on the pavement to change tubes. I was concentrating so it took me a while to notice that I’d attracted a crescent of eager tourists who were straight up watching me intently. I can only assume that they thought I was doing some sort of performance or that I was going to start bending people’s names into the spokes or something. Really weird! Properly stressful changing a tube at the best of times but under such scrutiny it was next level. Fuckers didn’t throw a single penny into my upturned cycle cap either!
• #23659
You should have done a running commentary in cockney rhyming slang.
• #23660
Saw a performance piece at the Camberwell College of Art Summer Showcase a couple of weeks ago where a man patched and replaced his inner tube. Hope you paid him the correct royalties.
• #23661
Tourists watching the tour de france on the cheap.
• #23662
Should have pepper sprayed them.
• #23663
Chainoil doesn't come out of anything, another revenge possibility.
I cycles downhill on ancient Cannondale f1000 mtb with nobbies, see other cyclist on ridley road bike with carbon cosmic wheels. And a ridley jersey. They must like their bike!
I overtake at red light 1, overtake again, and so I say hi at the 3rd light.
hi, we meet again, may as well say hi
"you are very fast"
why, thank you. I have to go up a hill to get home that helps[100 foot elevation per mile for 3 miles so a minor bit of training]
"where are you from"
"very good, having you thought about wearing a helmet?"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!
I told him I both cycle and drive super defensively and that was the end of that. Luckily. Nice man, but THAT convo, I don't want to have it.
• #23664
Should have asked if he considered cycle training really ;)
• #23665
Walking through Borough Market this morning and had to jump out of the way of 4 little scrotes on MTBs charging through at 7am. They were hotly pursued by a businessman with a backpack at maximum sprint - only after they'd passed did I work out that there was probably a reason why one of said scrotes had a set of iPhone headphones trailing from his hand...
They can't have been older than 14. Urchins gonna urchin. Assume they will graduate to scooter crime at some point.
• #23666
Stationary bus on Uxbridge road decided he didn't want to wait for me to overtake and pulled away across my path giving me a clear view of the Stay Wider of the Rider poster on the back.
• #23667
Snapped my front mech gear cable near Camberwell, stuck in small ring , sacked off Regents laps & went straight to work.
SpinToWin/10 -
• #23668
New BB works. Bike still makes horrible noise though. Think the DT Swiss needs a rebuild.
• #23669
great weather this morning, not too hot, not too cool. Legs felt good. Glad to be back on the bike..
Also supreme lack of vehicles this morning, even with my relatively late start, school holidays in full effect... -
• #23670
Close Pass Friday falling on a Thursday this week, fucksake.
• #23671
2 in a week, i've angered the velogods.
Suv driver went apeshit at me for pulling into green asl at red light. Adamant i should be by her passenger door. I was going straight so central to lane to avoid any chance of left hook.
I pointed out the big green box with a bike in it but she knew better. I also pointed out she'd crossed the stop line as she'd encroached the asl with her front wheels, so took a photo. She climbed out at this point and I thought she was going to try to lamp me.
Lights changed so I set off, she gave more verbal alongside me then fucked off thankfully. Cars behind were thumbs up / waving as they passed me (assumed as it was impossible for anyone with hc knowledge to side woth suv driver).
Submitted to po-po so it's on file.
• #23672
Pics or it didn't happen :)
• #23673
Details masked incase popo escalate.
1 Attachment
• #23674
Anyone with shit dangling from their mirror needs a slap.
• #23675
Nearly forgot about a confrontation yesterday with a middle aged man near Epsom. Drives up by the side of my group and starts yelling about how we should be riding single file, whilst progressively pushing us over to the curb and then blocking us behind a parked car. He kept banging on about how the law states we shouldn't be riding two abreast, I told him emphatically that he was wrong and then closed my comments with "Why's your car two abreast you fucktard"?
Lol get off your high horse. They're 13 leave them be, imagine the state of an education system that creates people who moan about 13 year old girls not knowing things when they become mums on a forum online