Have usually a couple of these a year and since the topic's here, I'm wishing I could report on some specifically.
Often find them at first slightly unsettling and then impossible not to settle in to. Like true ecstasy or indeed life itself, there's always that whiff at the edges of it all which makes you think 'when will it be over, and why can't it always be this way?'
I like how, as people have already mentioned, they can come to you on a quiet ride home from work, or more predictably, as the sun rises across some beautiful countryside. Whenever it poses itself, your brain seems so utterly contented either way.
Very hard to be deeply unhappy on a bicycle, much as I often seem to try.
Have usually a couple of these a year and since the topic's here, I'm wishing I could report on some specifically.
Often find them at first slightly unsettling and then impossible not to settle in to. Like true ecstasy or indeed life itself, there's always that whiff at the edges of it all which makes you think 'when will it be over, and why can't it always be this way?'
I like how, as people have already mentioned, they can come to you on a quiet ride home from work, or more predictably, as the sun rises across some beautiful countryside. Whenever it poses itself, your brain seems so utterly contented either way.
Very hard to be deeply unhappy on a bicycle, much as I often seem to try.