Update. The dog spends a fair amount of time in the backyard and barks at everything that moves . This is no more than t'other neighbours friendly jack russell and would be ok.... but...
The collie isn't walked/exercised outside of this and isn't easily recalled by owners when out the back. It is very territorial, jumping angrily at the fence everytime I go into our back yard. It is full aggression, not play. I've seen similar with farm collies defending their yard when I've been following footpaths & bridleways. If the fence panel was to break from it jumping into it I worry about the consequences for whoever is on our side when this dog gets through.
At night it barks lots (seems to be kept in a bedroom all night) waking us most nights.
Not fun.
Hahaha, no.
I just think youve got a slightly over the top pessimistic view of a dog being abused, cos its really a bit too young to he going on walks.
It will have plenty of exercise running about the house for now.
It would have to be carried home after a 15/20 min walk down the street probably.
Unless its left in one room for the forseeable future the dog is totally fine.