Well there is only like a 10 minute walk to Ash station at home end, but I could lock up the bike at the station. It appears to be a place where people lock up very expensive bikes with shite licorice locks and get away with it! I was thinking of keeping a beater at Waterloo for the bit from there to fleet st...anyone do that?
Coincidentally, yes, i had one at Kings Cross for a bit. But the racks are actually on the platforms there, so not comparable. I use an old shopper folder now instead - yay for granny bikes!
Well there is only like a 10 minute walk to Ash station at home end, but I could lock up the bike at the station. It appears to be a place where people lock up very expensive bikes with shite licorice locks and get away with it! I was thinking of keeping a beater at Waterloo for the bit from there to fleet st...anyone do that?