Following the verdict, former politician Bill Mountford told BBC Suffolk he still considered Searle "a friend", adding "these things happen".
Mr Mountford, who was leader of UKIP at Suffolk County Council when Searle was a councillor, said: "I still regard Steve as fundamentally a decent man who has found himself in circumstances beyond his control.
"I'm not condoning it in any way but I was very, very sad to hear of Steve's conviction.
"I'm well aware domestic disputes can get out of hand but I feel equally sorry for both Steve and his now deceased wife."
If people are regularly, "accidentally" offing their wives in domestic disputes in your circle of cuntsfriends, then perhaps you need to re-consider your choices in life.
' ... circumstances beyond his control ...'
Chose to have an affair, chose to strangle his wife.
Also, another data point for kippy tendencies = dick with preference for foreign women.
Awful story. This guy though: