Looking around at the moment for a phone to replace my battered but very serviceable Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 that has served me for about 3 years. Budget around £150, but can push a little bit.
Torn between the Moto G6 and Honor 9 Lite from John Lewis at £149, but I've noticed this place called Toby is selling the Google Pixel at £205, although it looks like they're new I don't think they come from the EU and have no clue about their warranty.
I haven't looked to see how big of a problem but there are reports of the Pixel suffering from bootloops. Having had my main board on a 5x replaced free of charge by LG I would be loath to buy a grey market import of a device with potentially known hardware faults
xiaomi redmi note 5ai global 4/64Gb is in your budget. Amazing phone for money, I even like it more than nexus 5x it replaced after bootloop saga. You can get it from aliexpress, gearbest, eglobalcentral, ebay for £150-170 roughly
Looking around at the moment for a phone to replace my battered but very serviceable Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 that has served me for about 3 years. Budget around £150, but can push a little bit.
Torn between the Moto G6 and Honor 9 Lite from John Lewis at £149, but I've noticed this place called Toby is selling the Google Pixel at £205, although it looks like they're new I don't think they come from the EU and have no clue about their warranty.