Only hardneck garlic flowers. If it's a softneck you'll just get leaves. When they yellow and wilt, it's time to get digging (stop watering up to 2 weeks before to allow the earth around the bulbs to dry out - clay will need 2+ weeks, sandy soils less).
This is combination of experience plus advice from the garlic farm people who were at Hampton Court flower show a week ago
Oh. They've been in there a few years... They were very dry this year but I put some seeds near them recently so they've been watered. Might just leave them another year.
I'd dig them up now and then in Oct or nov split out the cloves and plant them individually. You want a good cold snap a few weeks after planting. Should be ready to harvest in June
Only hardneck garlic flowers. If it's a softneck you'll just get leaves. When they yellow and wilt, it's time to get digging (stop watering up to 2 weeks before to allow the earth around the bulbs to dry out - clay will need 2+ weeks, sandy soils less).
This is combination of experience plus advice from the garlic farm people who were at Hampton Court flower show a week ago