It makes this interesting (but stretched) conspiracy theory story a lot more plausible:
http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/07/trump-putin-russia-collusion.htmlYes the dude is a dick who loves controversy, but seriously in what world do you visit a country, fundamentally undermine the leader's position, and carry out a hatchet job on one of their policies in their most popular newspaper?
We're not talking about criticism of detention of detainees, or dumping goods. This is literally a play to weaken May and push an agenda to weaken the UK and the EU.
He might be colluding with the Russians but he'd be this much of a dick anyway.
in what world do you visit a country, fundamentally undermine the leader's position, and carry out a hatchet job on one of their policies in their most popular newspaper?
In the world of a desperately insecure, narcissistic sociopath. He creates chaos around him so that everybody else is off balance etc.
Trump stabs May in the front and back as soon as he gets here, trying to sabotage her Brexit strategy