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  • Reminds me, I took a closer look at my M&S policy as it had a breakdown of the costs for the renewal:

    Contents (unlimited): £96.73
    Contents away from home (unlimited): £425.79
    Pedal cycle cover (£2000): £153.16
    Legal Expenses: £27.15

    So I could have got my current policy considerably cheaper by knocking the contents away from home cover down to something more sensible (new policy only has £5k away from home or so which is fine for us), but it was still going to cost a lot due to the way they priced bike cover (which changed a few years ago). The Lloyds policy covers bikes up to £10k total (with anything over £500 having to be specified up front).

    The main cause of the large price increases tends to be change in bike cover circumstances. You get one or two years of bikes being covered inclusive before they switch to the model where bikes costs ~10% of the value to insure, this causes the policy to jump in price massively and send me on a hunt for the next insurer that includes bikes without a separate charge.


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