• Well, I replaced my screen. Unfortunately the instant I applied a tiny - I mean tiny - bit of pressure to glue the new screen in it cracked! Only at the border though, so the screen is still usable. It' also not sitting flush in its housing. All around disaster. Can only assume that I applied too much glue or something?

    Will persist with this one for now but my weather sealing is going to be shite and I don't expect the screen to survive long given that it's not flush.

    Quite sad. Can't afford to be throwing away money like this at the moment. New phone goes on the list of things I'll treat myself to when I get a Real Job.

    Edit: Ooh, forgot, photo attached. This is what I've been using the past month!

    Edit: and aside from my whinging and botched install it's pretty easy to do. Saved £50 vs. what the phone shop man wanted. Took about 45 mins.

  • If the screen isn't sitting flush, that normally means something hasn't been put back quite right.

    Probably a bit of a pain to take it all apart again though.

  • Yeah, thinking maybe too much glue and not enough of the old glue/glass removed. Definitely can't take it apart again now that it's got the crack in it, it'd shatter into bits when I try to remove it. Might buy another one, we'll see
