It’s a common issue. Lots of bar bag makers have mounts that hold the bag away from the bars to allow cables to run as normal - some use foam spacers - I just run my cables very long so they can move around / behind 2 on top of bar bag as required without being wedges at angle that buggers free inner cable movement.
Ive also experimented with a flexible v brake noodle where the rear gear cable meets the down tube boss - does help prevent pinch point there I think but not perfect -
I had that problem with brake housing being pressed against the bar. Can't remember if I removed a bit of bar tape and ran the straps under cable or used a DIY spacer either side of the housimg to move the strap off it in the end but either should work.
Definitely used two pencils taped to top tube as a spacer to keep gastank off exposed brake inner along TT of my old Crosscheck.
Has anyone else had a slight issue with shifting when they have a bag strapped tightly to the bars? Occasionally yesterday I’d have to shift down two and up one to get where I wanted to be, presumably because the cable housing was under pressure. Not a massive issue but wondered if there was a clever fix?