I've done a bit of rough sleeping following bike riding, and I know a few on here like a dabble from time to time, so I was wondering if there would be any interest in making a bit of a thing of it with fellow forumengers?
It could take many forms, but all of them would end in a ditch/field/wood/etc, with likeminded folk, drinking something, eating something, making fire (where sensible/ethical to do so) and general merriment?
It could be a route that you know, or know of over a number of days, or something much simpler, like a sub 24 hour overnighter jobbie.
I'm not in London, I'm near Stansted airport, but I'll meet up anywhere, rota permitting!
I've done a bit of rough sleeping following bike riding, and I know a few on here like a dabble from time to time, so I was wondering if there would be any interest in making a bit of a thing of it with fellow forumengers?
It could take many forms, but all of them would end in a ditch/field/wood/etc, with likeminded folk, drinking something, eating something, making fire (where sensible/ethical to do so) and general merriment?
It could be a route that you know, or know of over a number of days, or something much simpler, like a sub 24 hour overnighter jobbie.
I'm not in London, I'm near Stansted airport, but I'll meet up anywhere, rota permitting!
Who's interested?