Well here's a quick picture, I finished it as it was a task I'd set myself for Sunday! Too hot though! The rear brake housing is a little short, that's not concentrating, but it's perfectly fine for normal use not requiring 90° turns! I'll address this. The rear derailleur cage catches the spokes in first gear, It's run out of limit screw which seems to have a void of thin air and nothing to tighten against. Trying to work out whether the dropout is bent or the derailleur cage has had a knock at some point. The rest of the gears index just fine. Delighted overall though. Apparently the pantograph stays "Fanini CX" refers to coefficient of drag... nice!
Went out for a spin tonight, not as responsive as the Colnago Tecnos but really comfy, and given the rarity, this is the one I'll keep as it's just so different. Revisited the gears, all sweet as a nut now. I like this.
Well here's a quick picture, I finished it as it was a task I'd set myself for Sunday! Too hot though! The rear brake housing is a little short, that's not concentrating, but it's perfectly fine for normal use not requiring 90° turns! I'll address this. The rear derailleur cage catches the spokes in first gear, It's run out of limit screw which seems to have a void of thin air and nothing to tighten against. Trying to work out whether the dropout is bent or the derailleur cage has had a knock at some point. The rest of the gears index just fine. Delighted overall though. Apparently the pantograph stays "Fanini CX" refers to coefficient of drag... nice!
Went out for a spin tonight, not as responsive as the Colnago Tecnos but really comfy, and given the rarity, this is the one I'll keep as it's just so different. Revisited the gears, all sweet as a nut now. I like this.