So I had to rush home as something was covering the camera. Found a neighbours parasol wedged in good over the camera. Gave me the heebies so I quickly sorted out one of the locks! Bang! Just needs cleaning up but at least 1 room can be locked.
So to fix my other lock, I have to move the hole for the cylinder about 5mm. What's the best way? Chisel is flat and this is round. I tried a drill with sandpaper but suspect that'll take ages.
So I had to rush home as something was covering the camera. Found a neighbours parasol wedged in good over the camera. Gave me the heebies so I quickly sorted out one of the locks! Bang! Just needs cleaning up but at least 1 room can be locked.
So to fix my other lock, I have to move the hole for the cylinder about 5mm. What's the best way? Chisel is flat and this is round. I tried a drill with sandpaper but suspect that'll take ages.