See, good to find this stuff out on test rides, not mid-TCR. #hippyisalwaysright
Only put light stuff in the saddle bag. Can you use a framebag for heavier stuff? Also straps can usually be adjusted to stop swinging and do check the mounting instructions - I know I messed up the Revelate the first time I fitted it, until I checked some pics of how it should be strapped.
Looks like you may have mixed up the ‘closing’ straps / buckles with the saddle ones - http://road.cc/content/review/182156-apidura-saddle-pack-mid-size
Filled the saddle bag and rode my orange bike for the first time on the Straight out of Hackney route yesterday (went out via Epping though).
Filled the saddle bag with things. It was swinging something terrible. Need to look at how I've got it attached as probably user error.
Required a few on the fly adjustments to the saddle and will require a few more.
Met Joe in Cambridge who kindly shared some TCR tips.
Lovely weather, great route, not many cars on the road 10/10.
Hopefully should give me my B2000 for the year!
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