stopping knives being sent to residential addresses after they are bought online
updating the definition of a flick knife to reflect changing weapon designs
The first means you'll have to go to a PO or other parcel collection point and prove your age to collect the knife. The second may reclassify knives that are currently legal to own and carry with good reason as illegal, and put them in the same bracket as automatic/flick knives. Multitools such as the Leatherman Wave and other one-hand-opening knives may be affected and would become illegal to possess - and would have to be surrendered to the Police. Maybe you'll get compensation, maybe not...
Which bit would bring one hand opening knives into the definition of flick knives? I skimmed through but thought the new wording's use of "automatically" would mean more than just a thumb hole or stud. Would really suck if owning a Leatherman wave becomes illegal!
New proposals from the Home Office to further restrict the availability of knives are likely to impact more than just people stabbing each other.
The Offensive Weapons Bill ( covers a lot of ground, but the two items most likely to affect the general public are:
The first means you'll have to go to a PO or other parcel collection point and prove your age to collect the knife. The second may reclassify knives that are currently legal to own and carry with good reason as illegal, and put them in the same bracket as automatic/flick knives. Multitools such as the Leatherman Wave and other one-hand-opening knives may be affected and would become illegal to possess - and would have to be surrendered to the Police. Maybe you'll get compensation, maybe not...
There's a petition here to get the government to reconsider the shipping of knives: Please sign.