Just noticed the heatmap comment.. seems to work fine here on Chrome. I just tried in an Incognito window: no heatmap on first load, opened strava in new tab and logged in, reloaded routecheck site and got heatmap from then on.
Try this, go to https://heatmap-external-c.strava.com/auth and make sure it says
Logged in as AthleteId(xxxxx), cloudfront cookies set
It's horribly clunky :/ I raised a support ticket with strava about this but they say there's no workaround currently. Once it works it should stick for a few weeks though.
If routes are private then you can see them in the routes option, is it possible to change this?
cc @Yemble
Obvs all my routes are private for clear reason!
Also I'm not getting heatmap, done the login/refresh? On chrome, works on firefox.
But I can't tick the gpx box on firefox.