Similar situation for my block - soon after I bought in 2010 major works (refurb/redecorate exterior and interior communal areas) were proposed informally and a rough estimate of costs were suggested based on the square footage of individual leaseholders apartments. Only when the management company decided that these works were going ahead (i.e. now ) did they send out the invoices and the section 20 notice. This seriously pissed a lot of the leaseholders off as many had bought since 2010 and feel that they are now expected to pay for what has been called 'historic neglect'. It has been a learning curve for some of us as we realise that this is how it works - you make a contribution to the whole block even if your place is only a small part of it - e.g. in my case I don't even need to use the communal areas.
There was/is a reserve fund but it was never enough to cover the costs as they are now ( 200k + ) and the 8 years delay has just meant the costs have increased.
But as you say it has to happen and you would have these maintenance costs anyway if you were a freeholder.
We were told that their were major works in the offing when we were looking at our flat - cladding the exterior (hopefully in a non-flammable material), which was (is) going to cost a lot. 8 years later and there's still no sign of it happening soon. It will happen, has to, eventually - but we may have sold the place having lived in it for ten years before it does.