• #59777
Merc was a steal well done.
• #59778
This is amazing... wish i had the cash for what it will go for
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1946-Jack-Taylor-clubman-rare-vintage-classic-British-bike-eroica-reynolds-531/123202306206?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 -
• #59779
built in early 1946 less than a year after the Taylor brothers first
opened their workshop. - frame number 641, one of the oldest and best
condition surviving JTs according to the register. (there are only 4
older frames of any kind and only 8 clubmans in total on the register) -
• #59780
That's a great spot, will probably go high like you say but what a bike.
• #59781
I live an hour ish drive from Lincoln. May go get it. Edit: bought it. Can tidy that up nicely
Nice one. Start a thread in CP.
• #59782
@Jingle_Jangle (1/2) may start one but depends what I do with it. Too small for me. Seller knew what parts it had but not the hubs I don't think. Has a tange headset, 9 speed campag rear mech, campag shifts, front mech, hubs (sheriff stars), pedals, selle royal stem/bars, shimano chainrings on a mismatched crankset, suntour brakes and a sram chain. The campag skewers are really cool. Will stop hijacking this great thread now.
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• #59783
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• #59785
Would brompton.
• #59786
I don't think that they are sheriff star hubs as sheriffs only have five points
1 Attachment
• #59787
You are , of course ,correct - probably Centaur or similar?
• #59788
Donohue tourer going cheap in Norfolk ends in 10mins!
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273306464796 -
• #59789
The fuckin saddle position on that!
• #59790
I saw this, too far for me though!
The hubs are not sheriff stars but a possibly rarer Campagnolo Victory set:
• #59791
Never seen one of these before:
Serious curve on the lo-pro Pinarello in the background too!
1 Attachment
• #59792
Serious curve on the lo-pro Pinarello in the background too!
Yours, it would appear, for a grand.
• #59793
• #59795
Sweet frame imo, luckily Im broke.
• #59796
Something for the summer. Mind those potholes
• #59797
Early Ksyrium Exalith prototypes on it.
1 Attachment
• #59798
Thru axle that is!
• #59799
Did ya get it? Less than 100 sheets in the end.
• #59800
Could turn into something functional...
(also London based)
@wintyDono may do yeah - it is a 5 minute walk from where I work. It was me - I'll add some detailed pictures later :)