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  • I'd probably have an africa twin of all the adventure bikes. Followed swiftly by the Triumph Tiger*

    *Having never ridden anything remotely similar

  • @Dammit I picked up my Tiger '11 for just over £4000 and it came with all the add ons I wanted which was centre stand, foglights, heated grips and panniers.

    Bloody love it.

    Work colleague has the gs 1200 and the Ducati monster 1200 but I see the gs in the garage more often than the duke.

    The GS has a bit of a reputation for being oversensitive on the electrics (showing faults when no problems) and a bit expensive on the servicing

    I don't think there is much in them tbh. I like the riding position (plus buying British) and chances of cruising through the Sahara in it are slim. Alps more likely bit sticking to tarmac.

    Stuck about 10k in it since November without any issues. It does seem to run warm when stuck in traffic and hit weather but not caused a problem


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