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  • I like the idea of one of these:

  • I like how hard you're trying to collect the whole midlife crisis set.


  • Be sure to get all the additional lighting options

  • Just back from a week in the Alps.

    Everywhere you looked there was gangs of identikit power ranger cosplayers in the same 1 piece suite and on all on matching versions of the GS or the Japanese equivs.

    Never been put off a type of motorbike so thoroughly.

    Had a couple days clocking up autobahn miles too, disappointed by no 180mph flybys by nutters on litre+ sportsbikes. It was only Audi barges that I saw getting proper rapid.

  • I'm with @M_V Don't be that guy. They're a fucking dime a dozen around any Sierra/Alp/Dolomites triple up with around 15 LCD's blazing from the dash like they're conquering Mars or discovering a new fucking continent whilst blocking every car park by taking up full bays and circle jerking each other.

    Are they rapid? Fuck yes. I was on the limiter on my bike and got creamed by one. Is it necessary to go anywhere in all connected and all tarmac'd Europe with so much gear you look like you fucked the BMW catalogue?

    I rented on for a week here in Spain. I wish I'd gone for a Scrambler. It's a sofa, and it rode like one too.

    Get a Triumph Sprint. They're fun and sound amazing and you don't look like another clone. You gonna do Mid life crisis? Do it in style.

    Also. This is what a triple sounds like.


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