Dig a 300mm x 300mm x 600mm hole, stick in a Y-anchor and fill it with 2 bags of postcrete.
A paving slab can be split with a relatively small hammer.
Yeah this is exactly what I had in mind. I was thinking of putting it into a bucket of cement but yeah maybe just setting it straight into the ground is preferable.
I hope I am not insane putting our commuter bikes in a wooden shed in my front garden. I hope the combo of quiet cul de sac, neighbors that are almost always in, shed alarm, ground anchor, and wifi security camera with 2 way mic that pings my phone as soon as someone walks past my house is enough of a deterrent....
So I've flattened a section of my front garden, built a shed base out of decking joists, and built a wooden bike shed on top.
Before I secure the shed to the base I'm looking at ground anchors. My original plan was to get a paving slab, attach an Oxford ground anchor, place it under shed, cut hole in floor of shed and pass high rated chain through it.
Problem with that is all bolted down ground anchors need at least 75mm depth. I think most slabs are only 50mm.
Next option is to fill a bucket with 100mm of cement, secure ground anchor to that, and bury it under shed.
Are there any other alternatives? If I'm going down the cement in a bucket route is one of these better: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F153009763059