Anyone come across swelling on top of foot, behind the big toe? It’s hard, not soft and fluidy, little bit tender but not painful. Came on over a few weeks I think but doesn’t really hurt so I didn’t pay attention.
Taken a(nother) week off running, but doesn’t seem to be going away.
Might go and visit a doc or Physio, but can’t imagine I’ll get anything other than rest and ibruprufen...
Anyone come across swelling on top of foot, behind the big toe? It’s hard, not soft and fluidy, little bit tender but not painful. Came on over a few weeks I think but doesn’t really hurt so I didn’t pay attention.
Taken a(nother) week off running, but doesn’t seem to be going away.
Might go and visit a doc or Physio, but can’t imagine I’ll get anything other than rest and ibruprufen...