• Copy it to routes>edit the route>on the menu down the right select add/remove control points.
    Add points to ‘anchor’ the existing route, at the last point you want to keep then use the add/remove and also follow roads to manipulate the start.

    I usually anchor it at the point it will diverge from the route, drag the start position to the new start, then add points to make the resulting route go the way you want.

  • Excellent thanks, so obvious but couldn't see the trees for the wood.
    I now have a loop starting outside leather head. Is there any easy way to move the start end point around my loop to Dartford?

  • I think you can only do that by manually removing some of the route and then add to the other end to join up. Or in that case, I would prob just ride the same gpx twice, loading up the same one when you get to the actual start/finish.
