Nope. I did some a few weeks ago and what was left of the bearings pretty much fell out with a light tap.
No idea how those things work, took original bearings out which had an id of 20.005mm with the same, and crank was all over the shop. I think the little plastic top hats had enough dirt in them before to make up the difference to 19mm od of the axle.
Ended up having to get new bb as quicker than finding 19mm id bearings
I managed to get the cups out in the end, there was a tiny lip on the NDS which i managed to get a square edged rod onto and gave it a bash. Replaced by Shimano press-fit. Not much better, but at least there's a tool for it.
Nope. I did some a few weeks ago and what was left of the bearings pretty much fell out with a light tap.
No idea how those things work, took original bearings out which had an id of 20.005mm with the same, and crank was all over the shop. I think the little plastic top hats had enough dirt in them before to make up the difference to 19mm od of the axle.
Ended up having to get new bb as quicker than finding 19mm id bearings