It’s easier to cut (main reason) and it’s better in compression and shear than Nomex. You’d usually use Nomex on thinner gaps. I shaved a thicker bit down to the correct thickness. Bonding it in is no different as I’ve used what I believe is the strongest 2-part epoxy adhesive available. We’ve got stronger adhesive films which are lighter, but I’d have to tape it all up and vac bag it, whereas with this I can just spread it on and weight it down on the surface table overnight. I forgot to take a pic before I put it together!
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Ah right, makes sense. Not having to bag it would have been enough of a reason for me.
M40J is a mostly outdated fibre
This made me laugh, by the way. A year ago this was our high-end fibre, only used on special occasions. But then again, you lot probably spend more on a single wing element than a student team on their entire car.
Why are you using a foam core instead of a honeycomb core? Impact resistance? Or easier to bond in the hub? Or simply what's left over? Should be a fair bit heavier than honeycomb, right?