70 people ride across Kansas and three get hit. That is insane.
I can totally see how that might happen. Drivers just don't expect riders. The driving's incredibly monotonous, a tiny village (well, I think they'd call it a town) every 10 or 40 miles, often even set slightly away from the main road. No frontages, no animals that could cross the road. All the roads are extremely straight, drawn with a ruler. Many drivers are probably on these autopilot mechanisms and watch films (although I may be doing them an injustice with that supposition; it's just what drivers already reportedly do here on motorways--perhaps American drivers are more law-abiding).
It certainly would be good to get more info on how the crashes happened--time of day, vehicle types, locations (these all seem to have been away from junctions), etc.
70 people ride across Kansas and three get hit. That is insane.