It's an interesting question, still, whether Nathan ought to honour the rules that were in place at the start of the race--obviously, Marcel may not want that, and, as you say, agree that he should be in a different category. I'm assuming that the rules, which I haven't read, actually did say that it's completely open in that respect. Perhaps Nathan just didn't realise how much faster velomobiles can be, with the right rider. You could have riders that are much faster than Marcel, too. I reckon that skinny bloke would go like the clappers in one. :)
I'm assuming that the rules, which I haven't read, actually did say that it's completely open in that respect.
They couldn't have been more explicit about it as they specifically mention HPV's:
Any bike is allowed, even those that aren’t allowed in traditional grand tours (HPV etc..)
"Also consider Rule 1:
Rule #1: No complaining about the rules.
"I'm not sure where I stand on after-the-fact attempts at recategorising things (even if Marcel suggests this). Marcel won, Peter was first "bike" in. I think people were surprised that an HPV was in front at Breckenridge - I think most expected them to be catching up once they hit the plains, not being in front at that point.
No it's not weird. Marcel didn't win the trans am BIKE race, he won the trans am velomobile race.
Good on nathan for realising his mistake and hopefully putting velomobiles in their own category.
Possibly he relegated himself. He's clearly a good guy and realised it wasn't right, to be in the bicycle category.