Proper update: sent to frame to Argos, they brazed on a new seat clamp and re-tracked the slightly wonky rear end. Sorted.
Onto the painting. I've decided to paint it myself with the intention of making the bike look "old". I'm using old cellulose BMW paint to get that flatter look that old paint has, and I'm deliberately not being too fussy with my spray painting. If I get wrinkling, I just flat it off and the resulting blemish becomes patina.
I've just finished the forks and I'm pretty pleased with them. My colours of choice may be divisive...
Proper update: sent to frame to Argos, they brazed on a new seat clamp and re-tracked the slightly wonky rear end. Sorted.
Onto the painting. I've decided to paint it myself with the intention of making the bike look "old". I'm using old cellulose BMW paint to get that flatter look that old paint has, and I'm deliberately not being too fussy with my spray painting. If I get wrinkling, I just flat it off and the resulting blemish becomes patina.
I've just finished the forks and I'm pretty pleased with them. My colours of choice may be divisive...
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