a smear of suspension fluid around the fork and shock outer seal used to be good for overcoming new unit tightness.
read the manuals, learn the fox service regime and is it still Silverfish for warranty issues ? as Mojo ceased a while back. (several tuning house out there anyway)
Seriously check the run times between services, to get weight down units use as little oil as possible so it needs checking/changing more often. Run them dry and dirty and they eat themselves internally.
a smear of suspension fluid around the fork and shock outer seal used to be good for overcoming new unit tightness.
read the manuals, learn the fox service regime and is it still Silverfish for warranty issues ? as Mojo ceased a while back. (several tuning house out there anyway)
Seriously check the run times between services, to get weight down units use as little oil as possible so it needs checking/changing more often. Run them dry and dirty and they eat themselves internally.