I was thinking something like this with a loop that drops down parallel to the seat post would be ace. Then the seat post straps could be fixed to it off the seat post and the dropper can freely operate.
Alternatively the same design but mounted at the base with two clamps on the seat tube to keep the bag stationary while the saddle drops?
with a loop that drops down parallel to the seat post
Miiiight not be needed if the bag is strapped properly to the exo rails, but also might not be impossible to mod? Never even owned a seatpack myself so this is all armchair guessing
I was thinking something like this with a loop that drops down parallel to the seat post would be ace. Then the seat post straps could be fixed to it off the seat post and the dropper can freely operate.
Alternatively the same design but mounted at the base with two clamps on the seat tube to keep the bag stationary while the saddle drops?