Having flown over, Darren now shows up in 9th, so all other positions after him have to be adjusted up by 1. hippy's in 10th, having overtaken Ryan Flinn, although no doubt Ryan will leapfrog him again today.
Simone Bailey has fallen quite far back (in Houston, Missouri, where Malinda Gillispie has caught up with her), hope that she's OK and no bike problems. Tanja Hacker is now ahead of her again, in Ellington, Missouri, although I don't know what view the race jury takes of her earlier shenanigans. Needless to say, Lael Wilcox' record is not under threat this year, but Peter Andersen is still ahead of Evan Deutsch's mark.
Marcel Graber has under 200 downhill miles to go to Yorktown, so he should get there today.
Having flown over, Darren now shows up in 9th, so all other positions after him have to be adjusted up by 1. hippy's in 10th, having overtaken Ryan Flinn, although no doubt Ryan will leapfrog him again today.
Simone Bailey has fallen quite far back (in Houston, Missouri, where Malinda Gillispie has caught up with her), hope that she's OK and no bike problems. Tanja Hacker is now ahead of her again, in Ellington, Missouri, although I don't know what view the race jury takes of her earlier shenanigans. Needless to say, Lael Wilcox' record is not under threat this year, but Peter Andersen is still ahead of Evan Deutsch's mark.
Marcel Graber has under 200 downhill miles to go to Yorktown, so he should get there today.