I think for some occasions it's pretty great, it's looking sort-of "warm, but fresh" if that makes sense.
Maybe not the top choice for green-ish landscapes though. Fuji is king of the green hues.
Kodak seems to be quite neutral with greens in general. Shot a few rolls of Ektar down the local wood and it also seems to be neutral with green which is kind of disappointing. It's still a lovely film though* - level of detail on a neg scan is pretty amazing, even with backlit scenes.
*Although having to honk around a tripod to shoot at f8/11 in daylight because 100ISO is a pain in the arse
Thoughts on Ultramax 400 ? Now that Superia 400 is getting more pricey and may not be long for this world I thought I'd give Ultramax a go. I like it, not sure I like it more than Superia though